Structured community dialogues designed to normalise discussion around culturally sensitive issues and especially around gender norms that restrict and diminish the advance

The Community dialogues organize provide an interactive participatory communication process that allows:

  1. Information sharing,
  2. Consensus building,
  3. Reflective thinking,
  4. Interrogation of assumptions, and group visioning.


✓ The Community dialogues provide both formal and informal channels to discuss new ideas and expose communities to new practices to which they respond by either contesting and/or resisting this Gender Base Violence.

✓ Minimizes resistance and builds a pool of supporters who will sustain the change agenda of GBV.

✓ New ideas, knowledge and practices accelerated norm change between AWEC and the community

To all our partners for this continues community support

Amplifychange #Reachout



AWEC believes that all children, adolescents and young people have the right to make their own free and informed choices and to have control over their sexual and reproductive health and lives, free from coercion, violence, discrimination and abuse.
Girls and young women, in particular, are denied the ability to exercise these rights. Fulfilling the rights of all children, adolescents and young people is fundamental to achieving gender equality.
However, gender inequality and discriminatory social norms mean that girls and young women often lack the voice, agency and autonomy to make their own decisions in relation to their sexual and reproductive health and are frequently denied access to quality sexual and reproductive health information and services.
This can leave them vulnerable and unable to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), as well as from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. It can also result in serious psychological harm.
Girls and young women are frequently subjected to serious human rights violations, including coerced sex, sexual violence and harmful practices, such as female genital mutilation/cutting and child, early and forced marriage.
Is of this motion we mount the street of DOUALA Bonaberi with the voice of educating the public.
Together with our partners #Amplifychange #Reachout

Gender-based violence programming (i.e. prevention and response) and risk mitigation across all sectors is lifesaving and an institutional priority for us. We work together with partners, Reach out Cameroon and communities to address GBV and to implement quality programming to prevent, mitigate and respond.

Our primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees and other people who were forced to flee. We support Community to uphold their responsibility to ensure that people of concern are protected against GBV.

Across all our camping, seminar, training, we prioritize two mutually reinforcing objectives to address GBV:

  1. reducing the risk of GBV for all persons of concern;
  2. ensuring all survivors of GBV have adequate and timely access to quality services that meet their needs.

Good sexual and reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system.

It implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life, the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so.

To maintain one’s sexual and reproductive health, people need access to accurate information and the safety.

They must be informed and empowered to protect themselves.

And when they decide to have children, women must have access to skilled health care providers and services that can help them have a fit pregnancy, safe birth and healthy baby. Every individual has the right to make their own choices about their sexual and reproductive health.


Amplifychange #Reachout

works toward the goal of universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, including family planning.

Amplifychange #Reachout

#AWEC #CHRDA #issuesofGBV