AWEC is an NGO working towards Sustainable Development Goals: No Poverty (SDG 1), Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) and Climate Action in Cameroon (SDG 13)

Our Story

AWEC Works With Communities Facing Extreme Poverty and Crisis

AWEC stands on the front lines alongside communities facing the harshest realities. Extreme poverty and crisis can strip away hope and opportunity, but AWEC doesn’t back down. We work hand-in-hand with these communities, empowering them with the resources and support they need to not only survive, but to thrive. Through our collaborative efforts, we fight for a brighter future where even in the face of immense challenges, communities can rise above and build resilience.

Where There Is Need, AWEC Is Present

We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with communities facing the brutal realities of extreme poverty and crisis. These challenges can be overwhelming, but AWEC doesn’t shy away. We work hand-in-hand with these communities, providing crucial resources and unwavering support. Together, we fight for a brighter future, empowering them not just to survive, but to thrive. AWEC believes that even in the face of immense hardship, communities have the strength to rise above and build resilience.

Reaching Communities Far & Wide

AWEC’s mission extends far and wide, reaching communities facing the devastating impacts of extreme poverty and crisis. We understand the crippling effects these situations can have, stripping away hope and opportunity. But AWEC doesn’t stand by. We go directly to those most in need, offering a lifeline of support and resources.

What We Do

Income-Generating Activities:

AWEC equips women with skills and resources to start income-generating activities to fight poverty, promote food security, foster decent work opportunities, and tackle climate change by supporting sustainable livelihoods through vocational training in sewing, agribusiness, handicraft production, or business management skills workshops.

Children and Vulnerable Groups’ Protection:

AWEC works towards a safe environment for all, particularly women and girls by:

  • Organising educational programs on child protection and gender-based violence.
  • Supporting shelters or safe havens for victims.
  • Advocating for stronger legal protections.

Improving Mental Health:

Recognising the mental health challenges women often face due to social and economic factors, AWEC provides resources and support to improve their well-being by:

  • Organising mental health awareness campaigns.
  • Organising workshops on stress management and coping mechanisms.
  • Partnering with mental health professionals to offer counselling services.

Prospering Communities:

By empowering women, AWEC strengthens families and communities. Financially independent women can contribute more to household income, reducing poverty. This approach ensures women have equal opportunities (skills and resources) to participate and contribute to society. AWEC facilitates community development projects and climate-smart agriculture initiatives that benefit the entire community.




Persons Reached in Douala

4 Regions

So far

Over 13

Projects per year

Help Us Make a Difference

Become a volunteer

 AWEC offers a variety of volunteer opportunities where you can directly contribute to our mission. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds and skillsets

Support an event

Every AWEC event fuels our mission to empower communities. By supporting our events, you become an active participant in creating positive change.

Help Us Raise Funds

AWEC’s work relies on the generosity of our supporters. Every contribution, big or small, fuels our ability to empower communities in Cameroon.

Join Our Team

Would you like to use your talents to help AWEC in its mission?

We live by our five core values – Humanitarianism, Courage, Partnership, Transparency & Accountability and Inclusiveness – to help communities fight poverty and vulnerability. If this sounds like you, and you would like to join our team, check out our current vacancies.

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