Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) and the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence.It is worth noting that CSE equips young people to navigate platforms and get knowledge to prevent GBV. Furthermore, CSE empowers young people in the face of resilience and global climate change is central. Key commitments from top government official included: -Accelerating efforts towards CSE by 2035-Young people are demanding ownership of their health, bodies, and leaders must listen and respond.-Strides have been made, but we need to be faster

Day 2 at #CSW was quite amazing. Listening to country leaders, women and girls right activists sharing their actions to promote women and girls empowerment with a focus on accelerating progress by addressing poverty, strengthening institutions, and financing initiatives through a gender perspective.#CSW68 CSW68 is set to be a pivotal moment in advancing gender equality and empowering all women and girls.Stay tuned for more updates

Association for Women Empowerment Cameroon -AWEC represented by their Executive Director #epetindive is at the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s empowerment, taking place from the 11th – 22nd March 2024 under the theme, “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective”.With a focus on accelerating progress by addressing poverty, strengthening institutions, and financing initiatives through a gender perspective, #CSW68 is set to be a pivotal moment in advancing gender equality and empowering all women and girls.It’s inspiring to be part of a global dialogue focused on accelerating gender equality and empowering all women and girls.Looking forward to meaningful discussions and innovative solutions. #CSW68

WEC visited the community to talk about the theme for the year “Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”. We discussed how abuse and violence do operate in relationships and that victims should never be ok with it but to seek professional help.#16dayactivismagainstgenderbaseviolence#awec#GVB#Menengaged Cameroon

Our Community mobilizers and Counselors carried out a community dialogue with community stakeholders in ensuring the acceptance Women SRHR and bringing solutions on curbing out GBV in #Bepanda and #Bonaberi by targeting women and men in social groups #reachoutdev1 #amplifyfund

Our partner Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa organizes a working session for us to discuss how we can synergize and build collective approach through monitoring, documenting and reporting prevailing violations of #HumanRight.#awec#CHRDA#HumanRight

AWEC Shaping the future bringing new ideas to light, connecting brilliant minds under the company with Reach Out Cameroon.It is important to filter the knowledge given to community members. Our field actors of the project MenEngaged Transforming Mindset Against Toxic Masculinity and Building Community Based Champions for Women’s #SRH in Cameroon during a refresher training organized by @Reach Out had the opportunity to relearn and exchange best practices on how to better eradicate #GBV and promote women’s #SRHR in their communities, through community sensitization. Reach Out AmplifyChange MenEngage Alliance Cameroon Association For Women Empowerment Cameroon-AWEC#ReachOut#Amplifychange#AWEC

August 11th 2023, Association For Women Empowerment Cameroon-AWEC and her partners gave out Back to School kits to internally displaced persons-IDPs in the Bonabome community in the Douala 4 municipality.. This was aimed at reducing barriers preventing children and youths from successful learning and participation in school.We sent them back to school in a grand style!!Communities and families especially IDPs have limited resources yet unlimited challenges. AWEC provides preventive and supportive services to IDPs and their families within vulnerable communities.The success of this program was dependent on donations, which we receive from funders , fundraiser/or corporate sponsors The AWEC School-Based Outreach Program is designed to provide short-term and long assistance to children and their families to alleviate barriers that affect the children academic and overall potentials.#AWEC#Backtoschool#Internallydisplacedpersons#communitydevelopment#Promotingeducation


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