Back to school kits for internally displaced persons-IDPs in Bonabome Community.
August 11th 2023, Association For Women Empowerment Cameroon-AWEC and her partners gave out Back to School kits to internally displaced persons-IDPs in the Bonabome community in the Douala 4 municipality.. This was aimed at reducing barriers preventing children and youths from successful learning and participation in school.We sent them back to school in a grand style!!Communities and families especially IDPs have limited resources yet unlimited challenges. AWEC provides preventive and supportive services to IDPs and their families within vulnerable communities.The success of this program was dependent on donations, which we receive from funders , fundraiser/or corporate sponsors The AWEC School-Based Outreach Program is designed to provide short-term and long assistance to children and their families to alleviate barriers that affect the children academic and overall potentials.#AWEC#Backtoschool#Internallydisplacedpersons#communitydevelopment#Promotingeducation